Organizing Paperwork – What to Keep and What to Discard Although in many respects we are moving toward becoming a paperless society, most households still have plenty of opportunities to [...]
Organizing Paperwork – What to Keep and What to Discard Although in many respects we are moving toward becoming a paperless society, most households still have plenty of opportunities to [...]
KICKING THE BUCKET…OUCH!!! We all have to die sometime unless if you are Cher and secretly discovered the fountain of youth during the 70s (subtle jealousy). I am sure even she has [...]
Great are the numbers of middle-aged professionals who can tell the story of their parents’ home, bursting with generations of purchases and memories, attics full of forgotten toys and [...]
An organized closet is one which will allow you to remix what you own into infinite cute and appropriate outfits, a closet that doesn’t scream “go shopping now!” at you every time you walk in. At [...]
A concierge is a resource available to every working professional and family. In an era of smart phones, smart TV, smart cars, you can even get a smart personal assistant who can do it all .. [...]
Some people think that busy executives have it easy. They come to work in air-conditioned offices with swivel chairs that can be arranged to incline and go down. Well, that’s true. But it’s not [...]
If the thought of sitting down with a file box of receipts, a calculator, and a blank 1040 fills you with dread, it may be time to contact a professional. But how do you choose? Here are some [...]
SWEATING THE SMALL STUFF FOR YOU Simplify your life is the cool secret. Backed by 20 years of experience, our assistants do what needs to get done so you can worry about bigger issues. Reston [...]
Productive Organization is more than just bringing order to your home or office, it is bringing efficient order to your work area. For instance, many people hang their keys on a wall mounted rack [...]
Does your workspace resemble the Madison Square Garden after a rock concert? Is your personal space beginning to feel like a prison instead of a sanctuary in which you can recharge? Has clutter [...]